Customer API

These endpoints allow you to easily manage customers.


Each role in the Open Loyalty has individual endpoints to manage customers.

Activate a customer

To activate a customer, you need to call the /api/<storeCode>/admin/customer/<customer>/activate endpoint with the POST method.


POST /api/<storeCode>/admin/customer/<customer>/activate
Parameter Parameter type Description
Authorization header Token received during authentication
<storeCode> query Code of the store the activated customer belongs to.
<customer> request Customer’s UUID


curl http://localhost:8181/api/DEFAULT/admin/customer/1bbafb37-b51b-47c5-b3e4-e0a2d028e655/activate \
    -X "POST" \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6..."


The eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6… authorization token is an example value. Your value may be different. Read more about Authorization here.


The customer = 1bbafb37-b51b-47c5-b3e4-e0a2d028e655 id is an example value. Your value may be different. Check the list of all customers if you are not sure which id should be used.

Example Response

(no content)

Deactivate a customer

To deactivate a customer, you need to call the /api/<storeCode>/admin/customer/<customer>/deactivate endpoint with the POST method.


POST /api/<storeCode>/admin/customer/<customer>/deactivate
Parameter Parameter type Description
Authorization header Token received during authentication
<storeCode> query Code of the store the deactivated customer belongs to.
<customer> request Customer’s UUID


curl http://localhost:8181/api/DEFAULT/admin/customer/1bbafb37-b51b-47c5-b3e4-e0a2d028e655/deactivate \
    -X "POST" \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6..."


The eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6… authorization token is an example value. Your value may be different. Read more about Authorization here.


The customer = 1bbafb37-b51b-47c5-b3e4-e0a2d028e655 id is an example value. Your value may be different. Check the list of all customers if you are not sure which id should be used.

Example Response

(no content)

Get customer status

To get a customer status, you need to call the /api/<storeCode>/admin/customer/<customer>/status endpoint with the GET method.


GET /api/<storeCode>/admin/customer/<customer>/status
Parameter Parameter type Description
Authorization header Token received during authentication
<storeCode> query Code of the store to get the customer from.
<customer> request Customer’s UUID


curl http://localhost:8181/api/DEFAULT/admin/customer/1bbafb37-b51b-47c5-b3e4-e0a2d028e655/status \
    -X "GET" \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6..."


The eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6… authorization token is an example value. Your value may be different. Read more about Authorization here.


The customer = 1bbafb37-b51b-47c5-b3e4-e0a2d028e655 id is an example value. Your value may be different. Check the list of all customers if you are not sure which id should be used.

Example Response

  "firstName": "Test",
  "lastName": "test",
  "customerId": "a284f230-c1c0-4a1c-af9a-159b81de1f2b",
  "points": 0,
  "totalEarnedPoints": 0,
  "usedPoints": 0,
  "expiredPoints": 0,
  "lockedPoints": 0,
  "level": "15.00%",
  "levelName": "level1",
  "levelConditionValue": 20,
  "nextLevel": "20.00%",
  "nextLevelName": "level2",
  "nextLevelConditionValue": 200,
  "transactionsAmountToNextLevelWithoutDeliveryCosts": 100,
  "transactionsAmountWithoutDeliveryCosts": 100,
  "averageTransactionsAmount": "50.00",
  "transactionsCount": 2,
  "transactionsAmount": 100,
  "pointsToNextLevel": 200,
  "currency": "eur",
  "levelWillExpireInDays": 100,
  "pointsSinceLastLevelRecalculation": 0,
  "pointsRequiredToRetainLevel": 20
  "pointsExpiringNextMonth": 150


The information in response may vary depends on the loyalty program configuration. Here is an example of all possible information combine.

Get customer history

To get a customer history, you need to call the /api/<storeCode>/admin/customer/<customer>/history endpoint with the GET method.


GET /api/<storeCode>/admin/customer/<customer>/history
Parameter Parameter type Description
Authorization header Token received during authentication
<storeCode> query Code of the store to get the customer from.
<customer> request Customer’s UUID


curl http://localhost:8181/api/DEFAULT/admin/customer/1bbafb37-b51b-47c5-b3e4-e0a2d028e655/history \
    -X "GET" \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6..."


The eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6… authorization token is an example value. Your value may be different. Read more about Authorization here.


The customer = 1bbafb37-b51b-47c5-b3e4-e0a2d028e655 id is an example value. Your value may be different. Check the list of all customers if you are not sure which id should be used.

Example Response

    "flatVariables": {
        "points": 10.0,
        "transactionId": ""
    "customerId": "91d87e1c-56f4-43ce-b669-83d6420b806c",
    "type": "PointsWereAdded",
    "createdAt": "2022-02-15T10:36:50+01:00",
    "variables": [
            "key": "points",
            "value": 10.0
            "key": "transactionId",
            "value": ""
            "key": "comment"
    "pointsBalance": 110.0
    "flatVariables": [],
    "customerId": "91d87e1c-56f4-43ce-b669-83d6420b806c",
    "type": "CustomerWasActivated",
    "createdAt": "2022-02-15T10:34:09+01:00",
    "variables": []


The information in response may vary depends on the loyalty program configuration. Here is an example of all possible information combine.

Get customers

To get a list of customers, you need to call the /api/<storeCode>/customer/ endpoint with the GET method.


GET /api/<storeCode>/customer
Parameter Parameter type Description
Authorization header Token received during authentication
<storeCode> query Code of the store to get the customers from.
firstName request (optional) Customer’s first name
lastName request (optional) Customer’s last name
phone request (optional) Customer’s phone
email request (optional) Customer’s email address
loyaltyCardNumber request (optional) Customer’s loyalty card number
transactionsAmountFrom request (optional) Customer’s transactions amount lower limit
transactionsAmountTo request (optional) Customer’s transactions amount upper limit
averageTransactionAmountFrom request (optional) Customer’s average transaction amount lower limit
averageTransactionAmountTo request (optional) Customer’s average transaction amount upper limit
transactionsCountFrom request (optional) Customer’s transactions count lower limit
transactionsCountTo request (optional) Customer’s transactions count upper limit
daysFromLastTransactionTo request (optional) Customers days from last transaction upper limit
hoursFromLastUpdateTo request (optional) Customer’s hours from last update upper limit
strict query (optional) If true, search for exact value, otherwise like value For example 1, by default = 0
labels query (optional) Filter transactions by labels. Format “labels[0][key]=label_key & labels[0][value]=first_value & labels[1][key]=another_key”
page query (optional) Start from page, by default 1
perPage query (optional) Number of items to display per page, by default = 10
sort query (optional) Sort by column name. Note: column names corresponding to parameters ending in From or To do not have this suffix, eg. transactionCount, averageTransactionAmount.
direction query (optional) Direction of sorting [ASC, DESC]
scrollId query (optional) Scroll search id retrieved from a first search results. Use empty value to init scroll API. Default is standard search.
_locale query (optional) Retrieves data in given locale


curl http://localhost:8181/api/DEFAULT/customer \
    -X "GET" \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6..."


The eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6… authorization token is an example value. Your value may be different. Read more about Authorization here.


Pagination limitation, we can only show 10,000 results. 10,000 is a limit and can be found in the .env file. Scroll API allows to retrieve more results. To achieve that you need to use scrollId value received from the first search. Use empty scrollId value to init Scroll API. Use received scrollId as a query parameter on the consecutive search calls. Each subsequent search call using given scrollId will return next results set respecting perPage parameter.

Example Response

  "customers": [
      "customerId": "41fd3247-2069-4677-8904-584f0ed9f6be",
      "active": true,
      "firstName": "test",
      "lastName": "test",
      "email": "",
      "address": {},
      "createdAt": "2018-02-02T11:39:17+0100",
      "levelId": "000096cf-32a3-43bd-9034-4df343e5fd93",
      "agreement1": true,
      "agreement2": false,
      "agreement3": false,
      "updatedAt": "2018-02-02T11:39:28+0100",
      "campaignPurchases": [],
      "transactionsCount": 0,
      "transactionsAmount": 0,
      "transactionsAmountWithoutDeliveryCosts": 0,
      "amountExcludedForLevel": 0,
      "averageTransactionAmount": 0,
      "currency": "eur",
      "levelPercent": "14.00%"
      "customerId": "142cbe32-da28-42d0-87aa-f93f3e1ebb91",
      "active": true,
      "firstName": "test",
      "lastName": "test",
      "email": "",
      "address": {},
      "createdAt": "2018-02-02T11:38:19+0100",
      "levelId": "000096cf-32a3-43bd-9034-4df343e5fd93",
      "agreement1": true,
      "agreement2": false,
      "agreement3": false,
      "updatedAt": "2018-02-02T11:38:20+0100",
      "campaignPurchases": [],
      "transactionsCount": 0,
      "transactionsAmount": 0,
      "transactionsAmountWithoutDeliveryCosts": 0,
      "amountExcludedForLevel": 0,
      "averageTransactionAmount": 0,
      "currency": "eur",
      "levelPercent": "14.00%"
  "total": 2,
  "scrollId": "DnF1ZXJ5VG..."


curl http://localhost:8181/api/DEFAULT/customer \
    -X "GET" \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6..."
    -d "" \
    -d "strict=0" \
    -d "page=1" \
    -d "perPage=2" \
    -d "sort=customerId" \
    -d "direction=asc"


The eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6… authorization token is an example value. Your value may be different. Read more about Authorization here.

Example Response

  "customers": [
      "customerId": "00000000-0000-474c-b092-b0dd880c07e2",
      "active": true,
      "firstName": "Jane",
      "lastName": "Doe",
      "gender": "male",
      "email": "",
      "phone": "111112222",
      "birthDate": "1990-09-11T02:00:00+0200",
      "address": {
        "street": "Bagno",
        "address1": "1",
        "province": "Mazowieckie",
        "city": "Warszawa",
        "postal": "00-000",
        "country": "PL"
      "loyaltyCardNumber": "0000",
      "createdAt": "2016-08-08T10:53:14+0200",
      "levelId": "000096cf-32a3-43bd-9034-4df343e5fd93",
      "agreement1": false,
      "agreement2": false,
      "agreement3": false,
      "updatedAt": "2018-02-02T11:23:18+0100",
      "campaignPurchases": [],
      "transactionsCount": 1,
      "transactionsAmount": 3,
      "transactionsAmountWithoutDeliveryCosts": 3,
      "amountExcludedForLevel": 0,
      "averageTransactionAmount": 3,
      "lastTransactionDate": "2018-02-03T11:23:21+0100",
      "currency": "eur",
      "levelPercent": "14.00%"
      "customerId": "00000000-0000-474c-b092-b0dd880c07e1",
      "active": false,
      "firstName": "John",
      "lastName": "Doe",
      "gender": "male",
      "email": "",
      "phone": "11111",
      "birthDate": "1990-09-11T02:00:00+0200",
      "createdAt": "2016-08-08T10:53:14+0200",
      "levelId": "000096cf-32a3-43bd-9034-4df343e5fd93",
      "agreement1": false,
      "agreement2": false,
      "agreement3": false,
      "updatedAt": "2018-02-02T11:23:17+0100",
      "campaignPurchases": [],
      "transactionsCount": 1,
      "transactionsAmount": 3,
      "transactionsAmountWithoutDeliveryCosts": 3,
      "amountExcludedForLevel": 0,
      "averageTransactionAmount": 3,
      "lastTransactionDate": "2018-02-03T11:23:21+0100",
      "currency": "eur",
      "levelPercent": "14.00%"
  "total": 2,
  "scrollId": "DnF1ZXJ5VG..."


curl http://localhost:8181/api/DEFAULT/customer \
    -X "GET" \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6..."
    -d "" \
    -d "strict=1" \
    -d "page=1" \
    -d "perPage=2" \
    -d "sort=customerId" \
    -d "direction=asc"


The eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6… authorization token is an example value. Your value may be different. Read more about Authorization here.

Example Response

  "customers": [],
  "total": 0

Get a customer list as an admin

To get a list of all customers, you need to call the /api/<storeCode>/admin/customer endpoint with the GET method.


GET /api/<storeCode>/admin/customer
Parameter | Parameter type | Description
Authorization | header | Token received during authentication
<storeCode> query Code of the store to get the customers from.
firstName request (optional) Customer’s first name
lastName request (optional) Customer’s last name
phone request (optional) Customer’s phone
email request (optional) Customer’s email address
loyaltyCardNumber request (optional) Customer’s loyalty card number
transactionsAmountFrom request (optional) Customer’s transactions amount lower limit
transactionsAmountTo request (optional) Customer’s transactions amount upper limit
averageTransactionAmountFrom request (optional) Customer’s average transaction amount lower limit
averageTransactionAmountTo request (optional) Customer’s average transaction amount upper limit
transactionsCountFrom request (optional) Customer’s transactions count lower limit
transactionsCountTo request (optional) Customer’s transactions count upper limit
daysFromLastTransactionTo request (optional) Customers days from last transaction upper limit
hoursFromLastUpdateTo request (optional) Customer’s hours from last update upper limit
strict query (optional) If true, search for exact value, otherwise like value For example 1, by default = 0
page query (optional) Start from page, by default 1
perPage query (optional) Number of items to display per page, by default = 10
sort query (optional) Sort by column name. Note: column names corresponding to parameters ending in From or To do not have this suffix, eg. transactionCount, averageTransactionAmount.
direction query (optional) Direction of sorting [ASC, DESC]
scrollId query (optional) Scroll search id retrieved from a first search results. Use empty value to init scroll API. Default is standard search.
_locale query (optional) Retrieves data in given locale


curl http://localhost:8181/api/DEFAULT/admin/customer \
    -X "GET" \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6..." \
    -d "" \
    -d "strict=0" \
    -d "page=1" \
    -d "perPage=2" \
    -d "sort=customerId" \
    -d "direction=asc"


The eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6… authorization token is an example value. Your value may be different. Read more about Authorization here.


Pagination limitation, we can only show 10,000 results. 10,000 is a limit and can be found in the .env file. Scroll API allows to retrieve more results. To achieve that you need to use scrollId value received from the first search. Use empty scrollId value to init Scroll API. Use received scrollId as a query parameter on the consecutive search calls. Each subsequent search call using given scrollId will return next results set respecting perPage parameter.

Example Response

  "customers": [
      "customerId": "41fd3247-2069-4677-8904-584f0ed9f6be",
      "active": true,
      "firstName": "test",
      "lastName": "test",
      "email": "",
      "address": {},
      "createdAt": "2018-02-02T11:39:17+0100",
      "levelId": "000096cf-32a3-43bd-9034-4df343e5fd93",
      "agreement1": true,
      "agreement2": false,
      "agreement3": false,
      "updatedAt": "2018-02-02T11:39:28+0100",
      "campaignPurchases": [],
      "transactionsCount": 0,
      "transactionsAmount": 0,
      "transactionsAmountWithoutDeliveryCosts": 0,
      "amountExcludedForLevel": 0,
      "averageTransactionAmount": 0,
      "currency": "eur",
      "levelPercent": "14.00%"
      "customerId": "142cbe32-da28-42d0-87aa-f93f3e1ebb91",
      "active": true,
      "firstName": "test",
      "lastName": "test",
      "email": "",
      "address": {},
      "createdAt": "2018-02-02T11:38:19+0100",
      "levelId": "000096cf-32a3-43bd-9034-4df343e5fd93",
      "agreement1": true,
      "agreement2": false,
      "agreement3": false,
      "updatedAt": "2018-02-02T11:38:20+0100",
      "campaignPurchases": [],
      "transactionsCount": 0,
      "transactionsAmount": 0,
      "transactionsAmountWithoutDeliveryCosts": 0,
      "amountExcludedForLevel": 0,
      "averageTransactionAmount": 0,
      "currency": "eur",
      "levelPercent": "14.00%"
  "total": 2,
  "scrollId": "DnF1ZXJ5VG..."

Activate a customer using SMS activation token

To activate a customer using a token (sms code), you need to call the /api/<storeCode>/customer/activate-sms/<token> endpoint with the POST method.


POST /api/<storeCode>/customer/activate-sms/<token>
Parameter Parameter type Description
<storeCode> query Code of the store the customer to be activated belongs to.
<token> request Customer’s token, SMS activation code


curl http://localhost:8181/api/DEFAULT/customer/activate-sms/954604\
    -X "POST" \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"


The token = 954604 is an example value. Your value may be different.

Example Response

STATUS: 204 No Content
(no content)

Activate a customer using activation token

To activate a customer using a token, you need to call the /api/<storeCode>/customer/activate/<token> endpoint with the POST method.


POST /api/<storeCode>/customer/activate/<token>
Parameter Parameter type Description
<storeCode> query Code of the store the customer to be activated belongs to.
<token> request Customer’s token


curl http://localhost:8181/api/DEFAULT/customer/activate/abcde \
    -X "POST" \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6..."


The eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6… authorization token is an example value. Your value may be different. Read more about Authorization here.


The token = abcde is an example value. Your value may be different. For testing, the value can be checked in the database, table ol_user, field action_token.

Example Response

(no content)

Anonymize customer

To anonymize the customer, you need to call the /api/<storeCode>/admin/customer/<customer>/anonymize endpoint with the POST method.


POST /api/<storeCode>/admin/customer/<customer>/anonymize
Parameter Parameter type Description
Authorization header Token received during authentication
<storeCode> query Code of the store the customer belongs to.
<customer> query Customer UUID


curl http://localhost:8181/api/DEFAULT/admin/customer/c9be6a4e-9a21-414a-bbbd-f506d9ffad85/anonymize \
    -X "POST" \
    -H "Accept:\ application/json" \
    -H "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6..."


The eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6… authorization token is an example value. Your value may be different. Read more about Authorization here.

Example Response

(no content)

Check if customer with given phone number or email exists

To check if a customer with a given phone number or email exists, you need to call the /api/<storeCode>/customer/check endpoint with the GET method.


GET /api/<storeCode>/customer/check
Parameter Parameter type Description
Authorization header Token received during authentication
<storeCode> query Code of the store to check for customers.
emailOrPhone request Customer’s email or phone


curl http://localhost:8181/api/DEFAULT/customer/check?emailOrPhone=899000333 \
    -X "GET" \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6..."


The eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6… authorization token is an example value. Your value may be different. Read more about Authorization here.

Example Response

    "total": 1

Create a new customer

To create a new customer, you need to call the /api/<storeCode>/customer/register endpoint with the POST method.


This endpoint allows you to set more customer parameters than /api/<storeCode>/customer/self_register and is used when creating a new customer in the admin cockpit. The self register endpoint is used in the client cockpit for registration and has some limitations.


POST /api/<storeCode>/customer/register
Parameter Parameter type Description
Authorization header Token received during authentication
<storeCode> query Code of the store to register the customer in.
customer[firstName] request First name
customer[lastName] request Last name
customer[gender] request (optional) Gender. Possible values male, female, not_disclosed
customer[email] request E-mail address (unique)
customer[phone] request (optional) A phone number (unique)
customer[birthDate] request (optional) Birth date in format YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm, for example 2017-10-05.
customer[createdAt] request (optional) Created at in format YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss, for example 2017-01-01 14:15:16.
customer[address][street] request (optional) Street name
customer[address][address1] request (optional) Building number
customer[address][address2] request (optional) Flat/Unit name
customer[address][postal] request (optional) Post code
customer[address][city] request (optional) City name
customer[address][province] request (optional) Province name
customer[address][country] request (optional) Country name
customer[company][name] request (optional) Company name
customer[company][nip] request (optional) Tax ID
customer[loyaltyCardNumber] request (optional) Loyalty card number (unique)
customer[labels] request (optional) String of labels in form of key1:val1;key2:val2
customer[agreement1] request First agreement. Set 1 if true, otherwise 0
customer[agreement2] request (optional) Second agreement. Set 1 if true, otherwise 0
customer[agreement3] request (optional) Third agreement. Set 1 if true, otherwise 0
customer[invitationToken] request (optional) Invitation token


curl http://localhost:8181/api/DEFAULT/customer/register \
    -X "POST" \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6..." \
    -d "customer[firstName]=John" \
    -d "customer[lastName]=Kowalski" \
    -d "customer[email]" \
    -d "customer[phone]=000000005000" \
    -d "customer[agreement1]=1"


The eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6… authorization token is an example value. Your value may be different. Read more about Authorization here.

Example Response

  "customerId": "e0eb0355-8aaa-4fb1-8159-f58e81b7a25c",
  "email": ""


curl http://localhost:8181/api/DEFAULT/customer/register \
    -X "POST" \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6..." \
    -d "customer[firstName]=John" \
    -d "customer[lastName]=Kowalski" \
    -d "customer[email]" \
    -d "customer[phone]=000000004000" \
    -d "customer[birthDate]=1990-01-01" \
    -d "customer[address][street]=Street" \
    -d "customer[address][postal]=00-000" \
    -d "customer[address][city]=Wroclaw" \
    -d "customer[address][province]=Dolnoslaskie" \
    -d "customer[address][country]=Poland" \
    -d "customer[company][nip]=111-222-33-44" \
    -d "customer[company][name]=Company+name" \
    -d "customer[loyaltyCardNumber]=00000000000000002" \
    -d "customer[agreement1]=1" \
    -d "customer[agreement2]=1" \
    -d "customer[agreement3]=1"


The eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6… authorization token is an example value. Your value may be different. Read more about Authorization here.

Example Response

  "customerId": "e0eb0355-8aaa-4fb1-8159-f58e81b7a25c",
  "email": ""


curl http://localhost:8181/api/DEFAULT/customer/register \
    -X "POST" \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6..."


The eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6… authorization token is an example value. Your value may be different. Read more about Authorization here.

Example Response

STATUS: 400 Bad Request
  "form": {
    "children": {
      "firstName": {},
      "lastName": {},
      "gender": {},
      "email": {},
      "phone": {},
      "birthDate": {},
      "createdAt": {},
      "address": {
        "children": {
          "street": {},
          "address1": {},
          "address2": {},
          "postal": {},
          "city": {},
          "province": {},
          "country": {}
      "company": {
        "children": {
          "name": {},
          "nip": {}
      "loyaltyCardNumber": {},
      "agreement1": {},
      "agreement2": {},
      "agreement3": {},
      "levelId": {},
      "posId": {},
      "sellerId": {}
  "errors": []

Get customer details

To get details about a customer, you need to call the /api/<storeCode>/customer/<customer> endpoint with the GET method.


GET /api/<storeCode>/customer/<customer>
Parameter Parameter type Description
Authorization header Token received during authentication
<storeCode> query Code of the store to get the customer from.
<customer> query Customer ID


curl http://localhost:8181/api/DEFAULT/customer/00000000-0000-474c-b092-b0dd880c07e1 \
    -X "GET" \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6..."


The eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6… authorization token is an example value. Your value may be different. Read more about Authorization here.

Example Response

  "customerId": "00000000-0000-474c-b092-b0dd880c07e1",
  "active": true,
  "firstName": "John",
  "lastName": "Doe",
  "gender": "male",
  "email": "",
  "phone": "+48234234000",
  "birthDate": "1990-09-11T02:00:00+0200",
  "lastLevelRecalculation": "2019-03-19T12:00:09+0100",
  "loyaltyCardNumber": "47834433524",
  "createdAt": "2016-08-08T10:53:14+0200",
  "id": "e82c96cf-32a3-43bd-9034-4df343e50000",
  "levelId": "e82c96cf-32a3-43bd-9034-4df343e50000",
  "agreement1": false,
  "agreement2": false,
  "agreement3": false,
  "status": {
    "availableTypes": [
    "availableStates": [
    "type": "active",
    "state": "no-card"
  "updatedAt": "2019-03-19T11:52:49+0100",
  "campaignPurchases": [],
  "transactionsCount": 2,
  "transactionsAmount": 3,
  "transactionsAmountWithoutDeliveryCosts": 3,
  "amountExcludedForLevel": 0,
  "averageTransactionAmount": 1.5,
  "lastTransactionDate": "2019-03-20T11:52:56+0100",
  "labels": [],
  "level": {
    "levelId": {
      "id": "e82c96cf-32a3-43bd-9034-4df343e50000",
      "levelId": "e82c96cf-32a3-43bd-9034-4df343e50000"
    "name": "level0",
    "translations": {
      "en": {
        "name": "level0"
      "pl": {
        "name": "poziom0"
  "version": 7,
  "currency": "eur",
  "segments": [],
  "levelPercent": "0.00%"

Update a customer

To update an existing customer, you need to call the /api/<storeCode>/customer/<customer> endpoint with the PUT method.


The fields you omit will not be affected. The fields you include and leave empty will have their current values removed. Eg. customer[email]=&customer[loyaltyCardNumber]=000012 will set loyaltyCardNumber, erase email and leave all other fields unaffected.


All simple fields can be updated separately, but compound fields (address, company) must be updated as a whole. Any attempt to update only one of the address fields will result in deleting other parts of the address. Any attempt to update only the name or NIP will result in error code 500.


PUT /api/<storeCode>/customer/<customer>
Parameter Parameter type Description
Authorization header Token received during authentication
<storeCode> query Code of the store the updated customer belongs to.
<customer> query Customer ID
customer[firstName] request (optional) First name
customer[lastName] request (optional) Last name
customer[gender] request (optional) Gender. Possible values male, female
customer[email] request (optional) (unique) E-mail address
customer[phone] request (optional) A phone number (unique)
customer[birthDate] request (optional) Birth date in format YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm, for example 2017-10-05
customer[createdAt] request (optional) Created at in format YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss, for example 2017-01-01 14:15:16.
customer[address][street] request (optional) Street name
customer[address][address1] request (optional) Building number
customer[address][address2] request (optional) Flat/Unit name
customer[address][postal] request (optional) Post code
customer[address][city] request (optional) City name
customer[address][province] request (optional) Province name
customer[address][country] request (optional) Country name
customer[company][name] request (optional) Company name
customer[company][nip] request (optional) Tax ID
customer[loyaltyCardNumber] request (optional) Loyalty card number (unique)
customer[labels] request (optional) String of labels in form of key1:val1;key2:val2.
customer[agreement1] request (optional) First agreement. Set 1 if true, otherwise 0
customer[agreement2] request (optional) Second agreement. Set 1 if true, otherwise 0
customer[agreement3] request (optional) Third agreement. Set 1 if true, otherwise 0


curl http://localhost:8181/api/DEFAULT/customer/e0eb0355-8aaa-4fb1-8159-f58e81b7a25c \
    -X "PUT" \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6..." \
    -d "customer[email]" \
    -d "customer[phone]=" \
    -d "customer[agreement2]=1"


The eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6… authorization token is an example value. Your value may be different. Read more about Authorization here.

Example Response

    "customerId": "e0eb0355-8aaa-4fb1-8159-f58e81b7a25c"


In earlier versions, this endpoint returned user data after performing an update. This feature was removed because in certain circumstances old data from before the update could be returned. Use GET /api/customer/<customer> after the update to always get the up-to-date values instead.


curl http://localhost:8181/api/DEFAULT/customer/e0eb0355-8aaa-4fb1-8159-f58e81b7a25c \
    -X "PUT" \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6..." \
    -d "customer[phone]=+440000000"


The eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6… authorization token is an example value. Your value may be different. Read more about Authorization here.

Example Response

STATUS: 400 Bad Request
    "form": {
        "children": {
            "firstName": {},
            "lastName": {},
            "gender": {},
            "email": {},
            "phone": {
                "errors": [
                    "This value is not a valid phone number."
            "birthDate": {},
            "createdAt": {},
            "address": {
                "children": {
                    "street": {},
                    "address1": {},
                    "address2": {},
                    "postal": {},
                    "city": {},
                    "province": {},
                    "country": {}
            "company": {
                "children": {
                    "name": {},
                    "nip": {}
            "loyaltyCardNumber": {},
            "labels": {},
            "agreement1": {},
            "agreement2": {},
            "agreement3": {},
            "levelId": {},
            "posId": {},
            "sellerId": {}
    "errors": []

Confirm a change of authentication credential

To activate a change of phone number when it is used as a log in credential, you need to call /api/<storeCode>/customer/confirm-change/<token> endpoint with the POST method.


POST /api/<storeCode>/customer/confirm-change/<token>
Parameter Parameter type Description
Authorization header Token received during authentication
<storeCode> query Code of the store the customer belongs to.
<token> request Customer’s token, SMS activation code


curl http://localhost:8181/api/DEFAULT/customer/confirm-change/153105\
    -X "POST" \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6..."


The eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6… authorization token is an example value. Your value can be different. Read more about Authorization here.


The token = 153105 is an example value. Your value can be different.

Example Response

STATUS: 204 No Content
(no content)

Customer registrations

To get information about customer registrations, you need to call the /api/<storeCode>/customer/registrations endpoint with the GET method.


GET /api/<storeCode>/customer/registrations
Parameter Parameter type Description
Authorization header Token received during authentication
<storeCode> query Code of the store the customers belong to.
<interval> request Group result by (day|month|year)
<lastDays> request Display data in last days


curl http://localhost:8181/api/DEFAULT/customer/registrations \
    -X "GET" \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6..."


The eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6… authorization token is an example value. Your value may be different. Read more about Authorization here.

Example Response

  "2018-01-06": 0,
  "2018-01-07": 0,
  "2018-01-08": 0,
  "2018-01-09": 0,
  "2018-01-10": 0,
  "2018-01-11": 0,
  "2018-01-12": 0,
  "2018-01-13": 0,
  "2018-01-14": 0,
  "2018-01-15": 0,
  "2018-01-16": 0,
  "2018-01-17": 0,
  "2018-01-18": 0,
  "2018-01-19": 0,
  "2018-01-20": 0,
  "2018-01-21": 0,
  "2018-01-22": 0,
  "2018-01-23": 0,
  "2018-01-24": 0,
  "2018-01-25": 0,
  "2018-01-26": 0,
  "2018-01-27": 0,
  "2018-01-28": 0,
  "2018-01-29": 0,
  "2018-01-30": 0,
  "2018-01-31": 0,
  "2018-02-01": 0,
  "2018-02-02": 5,
  "2018-02-03": 0,
  "2018-02-04": 0

Remove customer’s avatar

To remove the avatar of a customer using an admin token, you need to call the /api/<storeCode>/customer/<customer>/avatar endpoint with the DELETE method.


DELETE /api/<storeCode>/customer/<customer>/avatar
Parameter Parameter type Description
Authorization header Token received during authentication
<storeCode> query Code of the store the customer belongs to.
<customer> query Customer ID


curl http://localhost:8181/api/DEFAULT/customer/1cb6d205-8b77-40e1-a801-052185ed52d9/avatar \
    -X "DELETE" \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6..."


The eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6… authorization token is an example value. Your value may be different. Read more about Authorization here.

Example Response

STATUS: 204 No Content

Get a customer’s avatar

To get a customer’s avatar using an admin token, you need to call the /api/<storeCode>/customer/<customer>/avatar endpoint with the GET method.


GET /api/<storeCode>/customer/<customer>/avatar
Parameter Parameter type Description
Authorization header Token received during authentication
<storeCode> query Code of the store the customer belongs to.
<customer> query Customer ID


curl http://localhost:8181/api/DEFAULT/customer/1cb6d205-8b77-40e1-a801-052185ed52d9/avatar \
    -X "GET" \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6..."


The eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6… authorization token is an example value. Your value may be different. Read more about Authorization here.

Example Response

STATUS: 204 No Content

Set customer’s avatar

To set a customer’s avatar using an admin token, you need to call the /api/<storeCode>/customer/<customer>/avatar endpoint with the POST method.


POST /api/<storeCode>/customer/<customer>/avatar
Parameter Parameter type Description
Authorization header Token received during authentication
<storeCode> query Code of the store the customer belongs to.
<customer> query Customer ID
avatar[file] request Avatar file


curl http://localhost:8181/api/DEFAULT/customer/1cb6d205-8b77-40e1-a801-052185ed52d9/avatar \
    -X "POST" \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6..." \
    -d "avatar[file]=C:\\fakepath\\avatar.jpg"


The eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6… authorization token is an example value. Your value may be different. Read more about Authorization here.


The photo[file]=C:fakepathavatar.png is an example value. Your value may be different.

Example Response

STATUS: 204 No Content

Assign a customer to a level

To assign a customer to a level using an admin token, you need to call the /api/<storeCode>/customer/<customer>/level endpoint with the POST method.


POST /api/<storeCode>/customer/<customer>/level
Parameter Parameter type Description
Authorization header Token received during authentication
<storeCode> query Code of the store the customer belongs to.
<customer> query Customer ID
levelId request Level ID


curl http://localhost:8181/api/DEFAULT/customer/1cb6d205-8b77-40e1-a801-052185ed52d9/level \
    -X "POST" \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6..." \
    -d "levelId=e82c96cf-32a3-43bd-9034-4df343e52222"


The eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6… authorization token is an example value. Your value may be different. Read more about Authorization here.

Example Response


Assign a POS to a customer

To assign a POS to a customer using an admin token, you need to call the /api/<storeCode>/customer/<customer>/pos endpoint with the POST method.


POST /api/<storeCode>/customer/<customer>/pos
Parameter Parameter type Description
Authorization header Token received during authentication
<storeCode> query Code of the store the customer belongs to.
<customer> query Customer ID
posId request POS ID


curl http://localhost:8181/api/DEFAULT/customer/1cb6d205-8b77-40e1-a801-052185ed52d9/pos \
    -X "POST" \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6..." \
    -d "posId=00000000-0000-474c-1111-b0dd880c07e3"


The eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6… authorization token is an example value. Your value may be different. Read more about Authorization here.

Example Response


List Pushy tokens

To list pushy tokens using an admin token, you need to call the /api/<storeCode>/customer/<customer>/pushy-token endpoint with the GET method.


GET /api/<storeCode>/customer/<customer>/pushy-token
Parameter Parameter type Description
Authorization header Token received during authentication
<storeCode> query Code of the store the customer belongs to.
<customer> query Customer’s ID


curl http://localhost:8181/api/DEFAULT/customer/1cb6d205-8b77-40e1-a801-052185ed52d9/pushy-token \
    -X "GET" \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6..."


The eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6… authorization token is an example value. Your value may be different. Read more about Authorization here.

Example Response


  "tokens": [

Add a Pushy token

To add a Pushy token to a customer using an admin token, you need to call the /api/<storeCode>/customer/<customer>/pushy-token endpoint with the POST method.


POST /api/<storeCode>/customer/<customer>/pushy-token
Parameter Parameter type Description
Authorization header Token received during authentication
<storeCode> query Code of the store the customer belongs to.
<customer> query Customer ID
customer[pushyToken] request Customer’s pushy Token


curl http://localhost:8181/api/DEFAULT/customer/1cb6d205-8b77-40e1-a801-052185ed52d9/pushy-token \
    -X "POST" \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6..." \
    -d "customer[pushyToken]=pushy_token"


The eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6… authorization token is an example value. Your value may be different. Read more about Authorization here.

Example Response

STATUS: 204 No Content

Remove a Pushy token

To remove a pushy token, you need to call the /api/<storeCode>/customer/<customer>/pushy-token/<tokenToRemove> endpoint with the DELETE method.


DELETE /api/<storeCode>/customer/<customer>/pushy-token/<tokenToRemove>
Parameter Parameter type Description
Authorization header Token received during authentication
<storeCode> query Code of the store the customer belongs to.
<customer> query Customer ID
<tokenToRemove> query Pushy token to remove


curl http://localhost:8181/api/DEFAULT/customer/1cb6d205-8b77-40e1-a801-052185ed52d9/pushy-token/pushy_token \
    -X "DELETE" \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6..."


The eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6… authorization token is an example value. Your value may be different. Read more about Authorization here.

Example Response

STATUS: 204 No Content

Remove a customer from a manually assigned level

To unassign a customer from a manually assigned level using a token, you need to call the /api/<storeCode>/customer/<customer>/remove-manually-level endpoint with the POST method.


POST /api/<storeCode>/customer/<customer>/remove-manually-level
Parameter Parameter type Description
Authorization header Token received during authentication
<storeCode> query Code of the store the customer belongs to.
<customer> query Customer ID


curl http://localhost:8181/api/DEFAULT/customer/1cb6d205-8b77-40e1-a801-052185ed52d9/remove-manually-level \
    -X "POST" \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6..."


The eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6… authorization token is an example value. Your value may be different. Read more about Authorization here.

Example Response

STATUS: 204 No Content

Customer status (customer)

To retrieve the status of a customer, you need to call the /api/<storeCode>/customer/customer/<customer>/status endpoint with the GET method.


GET /api/<storeCode>/customer/customer/<customer>/status
Parameter Parameter type Description
Authorization header Token received during authentication
<storeCode> query Code of the store the customer belongs to.
<customer> query Customer UUID


curl http://localhost:8181/api/DEFAULT/customer/customer/00000000-0000-474c-b092-b0dd880c07e1/status \
    -X "GET" \
    -H "Accept:\ application/json" \
    -H "Content-type:\ application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
    -H "Authorization:\ Bearer\ eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6..."


The eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6… authorization token is an example value. Your value may be different. Read more about Authorization here.

Example Response

    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "customerId": "00000000-0000-474c-b092-b0dd880c07e1",
    "points": 161.9,
    "p2pPoints": 0,
    "totalEarnedPoints": 274.9,
    "usedPoints": 25,
    "expiredPoints": 88,
    "lockedPoints": 0,
    "level": "0.00%",
    "levelName": "level0",
    "levelConditionValue": 0,
    "nextLevel": "5.00%",
    "nextLevelName": "level1",
    "nextLevelConditionValue": 20,
    "transactionsAmountWithoutDeliveryCosts": 3,
    "transactionsAmountToNextLevel": 17,
    "averageTransactionsAmount": "1.50",
    "transactionsCount": 2,
    "transactionsAmount": 3,
    "currency": "eur",
    "pointsExpiringNextMonth": 161.9,
    "pointsExpiringBreakdown": {
        "2019-04-14": 33,
        "2019-04-15": 116.9,
        "2019-04-17": 12

Customer status (seller)

To retrieve the status of specific customer, you need to call the /api/<storeCode>/seller/customer/<customer>/status endpoint with the GET method.


GET /api/<storeCode>/seller/customer/<customer>/status
Parameter Parameter type Description
Authorization header Token received during authentication
<storeCode> query Code of the store the customer belongs to.
<customer> query Customer UUID


curl http://localhost:8181/api/DEFAULT/seller/customer/00000000-0000-474c-b092-b0dd880c07e1/status \
    -X "GET" \
    -H "Accept:\ application/json" \
    -H "Content-type:\ application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
    -H "Authorization:\ Bearer\ eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6..."


When using endpoints starting with /api/<storeCode>/seller, you need to authorize using seller account credentials.


The eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6… authorization token is an example value. Your value may be different. Read more about Authorization here.

Example Response

    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "customerId": "00000000-0000-474c-b092-b0dd880c07e1",
    "points": 161.9,
    "p2pPoints": 0,
    "totalEarnedPoints": 274.9,
    "usedPoints": 25,
    "expiredPoints": 88,
    "lockedPoints": 0,
    "level": "0.00%",
    "levelName": "level0",
    "levelConditionValue": 0,
    "nextLevel": "5.00%",
    "nextLevelName": "level1",
    "nextLevelConditionValue": 20,
    "transactionsAmountWithoutDeliveryCosts": 3,
    "transactionsAmountToNextLevel": 17,
    "averageTransactionsAmount": "1.50",
    "transactionsCount": 2,
    "transactionsAmount": 3,
    "currency": "eur",
    "pointsExpiringNextMonth": 161.9,
    "pointsExpiringBreakdown": {
        "2019-04-14": 33,
        "2019-04-15": 116.9,
        "2019-04-17": 12

Send an activation code to a customer as an admin

To send an SMS activation code to specific customer, you need to call the /api/<storeCode>/admin/customer/<customer>/send-sms-code endpoint with the POST method.


POST /api/<storeCode>/admin/customer/<customer>/send-sms-code
Parameter Parameter type Description
Authorization header Token received during authentication
<storeCode> query Code of the store the customer belongs to.
<customer> query Customer UUID


curl http://localhost:8181/api/DEFAULT/admin/customer/00000000-0000-474c-b092-b0dd880c07e1/send-sms-code \
    -X "POST" \
    -H "Accept:\ application/json" \
    -H "Content-type:\ application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
    -H "Authorization:\ Bearer\ eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6..."


When using endpoints starting with /api/<storeCode>/admin, you need to authorize using admin account credentials.


The eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6… authorization token is an example value. Your value may be different. Read more about Authorization here.

Example Response


Send an activation token as a customer

To send/resend an sms activation code, you need to call the /api/<storeCode>/customer/customer-phone/send-sms-code endpoint with the POST method.


POST /api/<storeCode>/customer/customer-phone/send-sms-code
Parameter Parameter type Description
Authorization header Token received during authentication
<storeCode> query Code of the store the customer belongs to.


curl http://localhost:8181/api/DEFAULT/customer/customer-phone/send-sms-code \
    -X "POST" \
    -H "Accept:\ application/json" \
    -H "Content-type:\ application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
    -H "Authorization:\ Bearer\ eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6..."


The eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6… authorization token is an example value. Your value may be different. Read more about Authorization here.

Example Response


Send SMS activation code as a seller

To send an SMS activation code to a specific customer, you need to call the /api/<storeCode>/seller/customer/<customer>/send-sms-code endpoint with the POST method.


POST /api/<storeCode>/seller/customer/<customer>/send-sms-code
Parameter Parameter type Description
Authorization header Token received during authentication
<storeCode> query Code of the store the customer belongs to.
<customer> query Customer UUID


curl http://localhost:8181/api/DEFAULT/seller/customer/00000000-0000-474c-b092-b0dd880c07e1/send-sms-code \
    -X "POST" \
    -H "Accept:\ application/json" \
    -H "Content-type:\ application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
    -H "Authorization:\ Bearer\ eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6..."


When using endpoints starting with /api/<storeCode>/seller, you need to authorize using seller account credentials.


The eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6… authorization token is an example value. Your value may be different. Read more about Authorization here.

Example Response

(no content)

Assign a POS to a customer as a seller

To assign a POS to specific customer, you need to call the /api/<storeCode>/seller/customer/<customer>/pos endpoint with the POST method.


POST /api/<storeCode>/seller/customer/<customer>/pos
Parameter Parameter type Description
Authorization header Token received during authentication
<storeCode> query Code of the store the customer belongs to.
<customer> query Customer UUID
posId query POS UUID


curl http://localhost:8181/api/DEFAULT/seller/customer/00000000-0000-474c-b092-b0dd880c07e1/pos \
    -X "POST" \
    -H "Accept:\ application/json" \
    -H "Content-type:\ application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
    -H "Authorization:\ Bearer\ eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6..." \
    -d "posId=00000000-0000-474c-1111-b0dd880c07e3"


When using endpoints starting with /api/<storeCode>/seller, you need to authorize using seller account credentials.


The eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6… authorization token is an example value. Your value may be different. Read more about Authorization here.


The posId = 00000000-0000-474c-1111-b0dd880c07e3 and customer = 00000000-0000-474c-b092-b0dd880c07e1 are example values. Your values may be different.

Example Response


Activate a customer as a seller

To activate a specific customer, you need to call the /api/<storeCode>/seller/customer/<customer>/activate endpoint with the POST method.


POST /api/<storeCode>/seller/customer/<customer>/activate
Parameter Parameter type Description
Authorization header Token received during authentication
<storeCode> query Code of the store the customer belongs to.
<customer> query Customer UUID


curl http://localhost:8181/api/DEFAULT/seller/customer/00000000-0000-474c-b092-b0dd880c07e1/activate \
    -X "POST" \
    -H "Accept:\ application/json" \
    -H "Content-type:\ application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
    -H "Authorization:\ Bearer\ eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6..."


When using endpoints starting with /api/<storeCode>/seller, you need to authorize using seller account credentials.


The eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6… authorization token is an example value. Your value may be different. Read more about Authorization here.


The customerId = 00000000-0000-474c-b092-b0dd880c07e1 id is an example value. Your value may be different.

Example Response


Deactivate a customer as a seller

To deactivate a specific customer, you need to call the /api/<storeCode>/seller/customer/<customer>/deactivate endpoint with the POST method.


POST /api/<storeCode>/seller/customer/<customer>/deactivate
Parameter Parameter type Description
Authorization header Token received during authentication
<storeCode> query Code of the store the customer belongs to.
<customer> query Customer UUID


curl http://localhost:8181/api/DEFAULT/seller/customer/00000000-0000-474c-b092-b0dd880c07e1/deactivate \
    -X "POST" \
    -H "Accept:\ application/json" \
    -H "Content-type:\ application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
    -H "Authorization:\ Bearer\ eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6..."


When using endpoints starting with /api/<storeCode>/seller, you need to authorize using seller account credentials.


The eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6… authorization token is an example value. Your value may be different. Read more about Authorization here.


The customerId = 00000000-0000-474c-b092-b0dd880c07e1 id is an example value. Your value may be different.

Example Response


Register new customer as a seller

To register a customer, you need to call the /api/<storeCode>/seller/customer/register endpoint with the POST method.


POST /api/<storeCode>/seller/customer/register


This endpoint allows you to set more customer parameters than /api/<storeCode>/customer/self_register and is used when creating a new customer in the admin cockpit or POS cockpit. The self register endpoint is used in the client cockpit for registration and has some limitations.

Parameter Parameter type Description
Authorization header Token received during authentication
<storeCode> query Code of the store the customer will belong to.
customer[firstName] request First name
customer[lastName] request Last name
customer[gender] request (optional) Gender. Possible values male, female, not_disclosed
customer[email] request (unique) E-mail address
customer[phone] request (optional) A phone number (unique)
customer[birthDate] request (optional) Birth date in format YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm, for example 2017-10-05
customer[createdAt] request (optional) Created at in format YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss, for example 2017-01-01 14:15:16.
customer[address][street] request (optional) Street name
customer[address][address1] request (optional) Building number
customer[address][address2] request (optional) Flat/Unit name
customer[address][postal] request (optional) Post code
customer[address][city] request (optional) City name
customer[address][province] request (optional) Province name
customer[address][country] request (optional) Country name
customer[company][name] request (optional) Company name
customer[company][nip] request (optional) Tax ID
customer[loyaltyCardNumber] request (optional) Loyalty card number (unique)
customer[labels] request (optional) String of labels in form of key1:val1;key2:val2.
customer[agreement1] request First agreement. Set 1 if true, otherwise 0
customer[agreement2] request (optional) Second agreement. Set 1 if true, otherwise 0
customer[agreement3] request (optional) Third agreement. Set 1 if true, otherwise 0


curl http://localhost:8181/api/DEFAULT/seller/customer/register \
    -X "POST" \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6..." \
    -d "customer[firstName]=Lady" \
    -d "customer[lastName]=Mini" \
    -d "customer[email]" \
    -d "customer[gender]=female" \
    -d "customer[agreement1]=1"


When using endpoints starting with /api/<storeCode>/seller, you need to authorize using seller account credentials.


The eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6… authorization token is an example value. Your value may be different. Read more about Authorization here.

Example Response

  "customerId": "53c16b8e-db1e-42f9-af71-3bb76f5c3aca",
  "email": ""

Search for customers as a seller

To search for a customer in POS, you need to call the /api/<storeCode>/pos/search/customer endpoint with the POST method.


POST /api/<storeCode>/pos/search/customer
Parameter Parameter type Description
Authorization header Token received during authentication
<storeCode> query Code of the store the customers belong to.
search[loyaltyCardNumber] query (optional) Loyalty card number
search[phone] request (optional) A phone number
search[email] request (optional) Email address
search[firstName] request (optional) Fisrt name
search[lastName] request (optional) Last name
search[city] request (optional) City name
search[postcode] request (optional) Post code


curl http://localhost:8181/api/DEFAULT/pos/search/customer \
    -X "POST" \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6..." \
    -d "search[firstName]=John" \
    -d "search[lastName]=Doe"


When using this endpoint, you need to authorize using seller account credentials.


The eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6… authorization token is an example value. Your value may be different. Read more about Authorization here.

Example Response

  "customers": [
      "customerId": "00000000-0000-474c-b092-b0dd880c07e1",
      "active": false,
      "posId": "00000000-0000-474c-1111-b0dd880c07e3",
      "firstName": "John",
      "lastName": "Doe",
      "gender": "male",
      "email": "",
      "phone": "+48234234000",
      "birthDate": "1990-09-11T02:00:00+0200",
      "lastLevelRecalculation": "2019-03-15T13:00:05+0100",
      "loyaltyCardNumber": "47834433524",
      "createdAt": "2016-08-08T10:53:14+0200",
      "levelId": "e82c96cf-32a3-43bd-9034-4df343e50000",
      "agreement1": true,
      "agreement2": false,
      "agreement3": false,
      "status": {
        "availableTypes": [
        "availableStates": [
        "type": "blocked"
      "updatedAt": "2019-03-18T14:44:49+0100",
      "campaignPurchases": [
          "canBeUsed": false,
          "purchaseAt": "2019-03-18T13:45:39+0100",
          "costInPoints": 1,
          "campaignId": "f1eddc46-e985-43e8-bc2a-8007dca3df95",
          "used": true,
          "coupon": {
            "id": "83d6a65e-d237-4049-84aa-bb107cd6f9a4",
            "code": "test1"
          "status": "active",
          "activeTo": "2019-06-16T13:45:39+0200",
          "deliveryStatus": "ordered",
          "usageDate": "2019-03-18T13:51:10+0100"
          "canBeUsed": false,
          "purchaseAt": "2019-03-18T13:45:39+0100",
          "costInPoints": 1,
          "campaignId": "f1eddc46-e985-43e8-bc2a-8007dca3df95",
          "used": true,
          "coupon": {
            "id": "6a2456ec-49b3-4970-9ac4-75ca01eab0ee",
            "code": "test2"
          "status": "active",
          "activeTo": "2019-06-16T13:45:39+0200",
          "deliveryStatus": "ordered",
          "usageDate": "2019-03-18T13:51:10+0100"
      "transactionsCount": 2,
      "transactionsAmount": 3,
      "transactionsAmountWithoutDeliveryCosts": 3,
      "amountExcludedForLevel": 0,
      "averageTransactionAmount": 1.5,
      "lastTransactionDate": "2019-03-16T12:53:23+0100",
      "labels": [],
      "level": {
        "levelId": {
          "id": "e82c96cf-32a3-43bd-9034-4df343e50000"
        "name": "level0",
        "translations": {
          "en": {
            "name": "level0"
          "pl": {
            "name": "poziom0"
      "currency": "eur",
      "levelPercent": "0.00%",
      "posIdentifier": "pos2"
      "customerId": "11111111-0000-474c-b092-b0dd880c07e1",
      "active": true,
      "firstName": "John1",
      "lastName": "Doe1",
      "gender": "male",
      "email": "",
      "phone": "+48456456000",
      "birthDate": "1990-09-11T02:00:00+0200",
      "lastLevelRecalculation": "2019-03-15T13:00:05+0100",
      "createdAt": "2016-08-08T10:53:14+0200",
      "levelId": "e82c96cf-32a3-43bd-9034-4df343e50000",
      "agreement1": false,
      "agreement2": false,
      "agreement3": false,
      "status": {
        "availableTypes": [
        "availableStates": [
        "type": "active",
        "state": "no-card"
      "updatedAt": "2019-03-15T12:53:18+0100",
      "campaignPurchases": [],
      "transactionsCount": 0,
      "transactionsAmount": 0,
      "transactionsAmountWithoutDeliveryCosts": 0,
      "amountExcludedForLevel": 0,
      "averageTransactionAmount": 0,
      "labels": [
          "key": "test",
          "value": "test"
      "level": {
        "levelId": {
          "id": "e82c96cf-32a3-43bd-9034-4df343e50000"
        "name": "level0",
        "translations": {
          "en": {
            "name": "level0"
          "pl": {
            "name": "poziom0"
      "currency": "eur",
      "levelPercent": "0.00%"

Import customers

To import customers, you need to call the /api/<storeCode>/admin/customer/import endpoint with the POST method.


POST /api/<storeCode>/admin/customer/import
Parameter Parameter type Description
Authorization header Token received during authentication
<storeCode> query Code of the store the customers will belong to.
file[file] query XML file


curl http://localhost:8181/api/DEFAULT/admin/customer/import \
    -X "POST" \
    -H "Accept:\ application/json" \
    -H "Content-type:\ application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
    -H "Authorization:\ Bearer\ eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6..." \
    -d "file[file]=C:\\fakepath\\customers.xml"


When using endpoints starting with /api/<storeCode>/admin, you need to authorize using admin account credentials.


The eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6… authorization token is an example value. Your value may be different. Read more about Authorization here.

Example Response

  "items": [
      "status": "success",
      "processImportResult": {
        "object": "4e2a75c2-f194-40e7-b54e-f208b2fd1732"
      "identifier": ""
      "status": "success",
      "processImportResult": {
        "object": "db081ad2-d035-4edd-8bda-21da198592db"
      "identifier": ""
      "status": "error",
      "message": "Convert exception: birthDate has invalid date format (Y-m-d required)",
      "identifier": ""
      "status": "success",
      "processImportResult": {
        "object": "c4c169b0-265b-4ead-94c0-1972f181e100"
      "identifier": ""
      "status": "error",
      "message": "Convert exception: gender is required node",
      "identifier": ""
      "status": "success",
      "processImportResult": {
        "object": "479129a4-283b-414d-b48b-4c3541f9f8d9"
      "identifier": ""
      "status": "success",
      "processImportResult": {
        "object": "00c2f4ff-a8d0-4b31-a119-2bb3f0ec7b6e"
      "identifier": ""
      "status": "error",
      "message": "Convert exception: gender is required node",
      "identifier": ""
      "status": "success",
      "processImportResult": {
        "object": "7f4d0ebd-69e5-488b-b7e2-42985792d63c"
      "identifier": ""
      "status": "success",
      "processImportResult": {
        "object": "36c0e0e7-1231-4817-9fc9-3fd26280026f"
      "identifier": ""
      "status": "error",
      "message": "Convert exception: gender is required node",
      "identifier": ""
  "totalProcessed": 11,
  "totalSuccess": 7,
  "totalFailed": 4

Register a new customer as an admin

To create a new customer, you need to call the /api/<storeCode>/admin/customer/register endpoint with the POST method.


This endpoint allows you to set more customer parameters than /api/<storeCode>/customer/self_register and is used when creating a new customer in the admin cockpit or POS cockpit. The self register endpoint is used in the client cockpit for registration and has some limitations.


POST /api/<storeCode>/admin/customer/register
Parameter Parameter type Description
Authorization header Token received during authentication
<storeCode> query Code of the store the customer will belong to.
customer[firstName] request First name
customer[lastName] request Last name
customer[gender] request (optional) Gender. Possible values male, female, not_disclosed
customer[email] request (unique) E-mail address
customer[phone] request (optional) A phone number (unique)
customer[birthDate] request (optional) Birth date in format YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm, for example 2017-10-05
customer[createdAt] request (optional) Created at in format YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss, for example 2017-01-01 14:15:16.
customer[address][street] request (optional) Street name
customer[address][address1] request (optional) Building number
customer[address][address2] request (optional) Flat/Unit name
customer[address][postal] request (optional) Post code
customer[address][city] request (optional) City name
customer[address][province] request (optional) Province name
customer[address][country] request (optional) Country name
customer[company][name] request (optional) Company name
customer[company][nip] request (optional) Tax ID
customer[loyaltyCardNumber] request (optional) Loyalty card number (unique)
customer[labels] request (optional) String of labels in form of key1:val1;key2:val2.
customer[agreement1] request First agreement. Set 1 if true, otherwise 0
customer[agreement2] request (optional) Second agreement. Set 1 if true, otherwise 0
customer[agreement3] request (optional) Third agreement. Set 1 if true, otherwise 0


curl http://localhost:8181/api/DEFAULT/admin/customer/register \
    -X "POST" \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6..." \
    -d "customer[firstName]=John" \
    -d "customer[lastName]=Kowalski" \
    -d "customer[email]" \
    -d "customer[phone]=0665998332" \
    -d "customer[agreement1]=1"


The eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6… authorization token is an example value. Your value may be different. Read more about Authorization here.

Example Response

  "customerId": "e0eb0355-8aaa-4fb1-8159-f58e81b7a25c",
  "email": ""

Remove customer

To remove the customer using admin token you need to call the /api/<storeCode>/customer/<customer> endpoint with the DELETE method.


DELETE /api/<storeCode>/customer/<customer>
Parameter Parameter type Description
Authorization header Token received during authentication
<storeCode> query Code of the store the customer belongs to.
<customer> query Customer ID


curl http://localhost:8181/api/DEFAULT/customer/1cb6d205-8b77-40e1-a801-052185ed52d9 \
    -X "DELETE" \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6..."


The eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6… authorization token is an example value. Your value can be different. Read more about Authorization here.

Example Response

STATUS: 204 No Content