Message Templates

Message templates define the layout, content, and formatting of automated messages sent from Open Loyalty.

Open Loyalty includes a set of responsive email, SMS and Push Notification templates that are triggered by a variety of events that take place during the operation of your Loyalty Program. You will find a variety of prepared templates related to customer activities, admin actions, and system messages that you can customize.

Message Templates

Customizing Message templates

Open Loyalty includes a default message template for the body section of each message that is sent by the system. The template for the body content is formatted with HTML and CSS, and can be easily edited, and customized.

Preview of New Points Email

To edit an Message template:

  1. Tap the Settings icon settings in the upper-right corner and choose Message templates on the menu.
  1. In the Messages list, find the record to be edited and click Edit icon edit in the Action column to open the record in edit mode
Template Information
  1. Make any necessary changes to the following:
  • In Target choose to whom the message will be send
  • In Channel select what message you would like to send
  • In each message is Event field. Chose after what operation the message will be send
  • Enabled activates and deactivates the sending of messages
  • Enter new Subject of the message which will be displayed when the recipient gets an email.
  • Every event has predefined snippets added to content in Snippets field. The selection of available snippets depends on the event and can not be changed
  • The HTML code is used to define content of a message. In the Content box, modify the HTML as needed. Any changes of the content should be made by technical persons, who knows HTML to avoid further technical issues with templates.


When working in the template code, be careful not to overwrite anything that is enclosed in double braces

  1. When you are ready to review your work, tap ``Preview``and make adjustments to the template as needed
  2. When it is done, tap SAVE

To stop/restart sending emails generated with a given template:

  1. Tap the Settings icon settings in the upper-right corner and choose Message templates on the menu.
  1. In the Message list, find the record to be disabled/enabled and click Edit icon edit in the Action column to open the record in edit mode
Template Information
  1. Uncheck or check the Enabled box.
  2. Tap SAVE.

Email, SMS, Push Notification templates list

Event Description
Campaign has become available
Message send when the new campaign
was created
Message with information about new campaign

Customer registered with temporary password
Message send after registering new Customer
Account using Admin Cocpit, POS Cockpit
and API
It contains temporary password to activate an account
and link to download Terms & Conditions file (.PDF)
Customer registered and awaits activation
Message send after registering new Customer
Account using Client Cockpit
Message with activate the account
Earned points
Send after Customer earn points
It contains new points value and current amount of
all active points
Email changed
Send after Customer change the email
in Client Cockpit
It contains token to change the email address
Gained new level
Send after Customer reach next level
It contains information about customer new level and
new discount
Issued Reward Campaign
Send when a customer buys campaign
for accumulated points
It contains rewards coupon and information
how to use it
Customer used campaign reward
Send when customer will use
the campaign
Message with the information about used campaign

User requested password reset
Send when user click on Forgot password
and provide email address
Message with reset password link

Phone number changed
Send after Customer change the phone
number in Client Cockpit
It contains basic information of the reward and customer
who used it and address assigned to his account to which
the prize is to be sent
Transaction labeled
Send when new transaction is added to list
Message with the information about new transaction

Which events working for messages: email, Push Notification and SMS

Email - Customer registered with temporary password, Customer registered and awaits activation, Earned points, Email changed, Gained new level, Issued Reward Campaign, Password reset requested, Phone number changed, Transaction labeled

Push Notification - Campaign has become available

SMS - Customer registered with temporary password, Customer registered and awaits activation, Earned points, Email changed, Gained new level, Issued Reward Campaign, Password reset requested, Phone number changed, Transaction labeled