Earning rules types

In general, Earning rules can be divided into two types:

  • Transactional rules
    related to transactions made by customer e.g. transaction total amount, purchased products etc.
  • Non-transactional rules
    related to other customer data and his activity within loyalty program e.g. refer a friend, his friend registration/purchases, newsletter subscription, first purchase, account created etc.

During creation of rule you must specify its type, describing conditions for awarding points. Every rule type has its own required fields (conditions) that must be filled.

Rule Types

Transactional rules

Open Loyalty offers following standard types:

  1. General spending rule

    Customer could receive points for order value

    More information about rule creation here

  2. Multiply earned points

    Customer could receive multiple points for product with specified SKU

    More information about rule creation here

  3. Multiply earned points by product labels

    Customer could receive multiple points for product with specified labels

    More information about rule creation here

  4. Instant reward

    Customer could receive any reward campaign for his transaction registered within Loyalty Program

    More information about rule creation here

  5. Product purchase

    Customer could receive given amount of points for specified product

    More information about rule creation here

The sequence of points calculation is as follows

  1. Firstly, if applicable, customer receives points from General spending rule
  2. Secondly, if applicable, points are multiply based on Multiply earned points rule, or based on labels multipliers from Multiply earned points by product labels. Or reward is assigned from Instant reward rule
  3. Finally, if applicable, customer receives points from Product purchase rule


Rules from the 2nd step of sequence:

  • Multiply earned points,
  • Multiply earned points by product labels and
  • Instant reward

have the same priority. It means, that to points calculation by default only one of them, the most “current” rule is used.

In that case, “current” means edited as the last one.

Non-transactional rules

Open Loyalty offers following standard types:

  1. Custom event rule

    Customer could receive points for external actions

    More information about rule creation here

  2. Customer referral

    Referred and/or Referrer customer could receive points for the action

    More information about rule creation here

  3. Event rule

    Customer could receive points for specified actions

    More information about rule creation here

  4. Geolocation

    Customer could receive points for his location

    More information about rule creation here

  5. QRcode

    Customer could receive points for scanning define QR codes

    More information about rule creation here