Customer referral

Referral (refer a friend, member get member) functionality allows to reward Customers for invitation other Customers to Loyalty program.

It allows to give prize either referrer (Customer who sent invitation) and referred person (Customer who responded with action to invitation).

Functionality allow to reward for different actions e.g.:

  • Referred Customer register new account in OL
  • Referred Customer make first purchase in OL (first transaction)
  • Referred Customer make purchase in OL (every transaction)

To add new Customer referral rule:

  1. Tap Earning rules on the Admin sidebar and choose Add earning rule. You can also add rule directly from All earning rules list by clicking Add earning rule at the top of the page
Add Rule Options Add Earning Rule Form
  1. In Basic informations section, do the following:
  • Enter Name of the rule that will be displayed in views
  • Provide a brief Description of the rule that explains how to award points and information when the rule is active (thereby using to points calculation)
  • To activate the rule, in Active field select “Active” from the dropdown list
Customer referral
  1. In Type details section set rule type as Customer referral and complete details as follow:
  • In Event name field select an event for which the customer will receive points. Options include:
    • Every purchase after the first
    • First purchase
    • After registration and activation
  • In Reward field select who should receive points for this action. Options include:
    • Referred
    • Referrer
    • Both
  • Provide amount of Points that will be earned for this event rule

    See Rule Types to learn more about Earning rules types


once selected type can not be changed

  1. In Activity of rule section specify time boundaries when rule will be active
  • if you want the rule to be active all the time mark All time active checkbox
  • if you want the rule to be limited in time in Start at and End at fields specify dates between rule will be active
  1. In POS section, as an option you can assign an Earning rule to the existing POS. To do this, click POS field and choose store to which rule will be applied.

    When a transaction comes from a specific POS, only earning rules assigned to this POS will be used to calculate points.

Earning rule assignment to POS
  1. In Target section specify group of customers for which rule will be used. For example, Gold members will get 2 times more points than Bronze
  • In Target type choose from dropdown list Level or Segment to specify whether the rule will be active for customers assigned to particular level or segment.
  • Depending on the Target type field Segments to specify segments or Levels to specify levels appear. You can choose one or more levels/segments to used
Earning rule target option Earning rule target option
  1. If applicable, in Earning rule photo section upload image for Earning rule
Earning rule photo option
  1. When it is done, tap SAVE


Image size is limited to 2MB. Image dimensions could not be smaller than 600 x 600 px. Allowed file formats: png, gif, jpg.