
Here you will find the list requirements that have to be meet to be able to use Open Loyalty. Before you start reading, have a look at the Symfony requirements.

Operating Systems

The recommended operating systems for running Open Loyalty are Unix systems - Linux, MacOS.

Running Open Loyalty

We recommend to use docker as an abstraction layer to run Open Loyalty. Also, we do recommend to use Kubernetes for production purpose.

If you don’t want to use Docker or Kubernetes and you want to run Open Loyalty on the server, you need to prepare and configure all software that’s required to run OL correctly.

Web server configuration

In the production environment we do recommend using Nginx web server

PHP Configuration

PHP version >= 7.1
PHP extensions APCU

PHP configuration settings

memory_limit 1024M
date.timezone Europe/Warsaw
upload_max_filesize 10M
post_max_size 10M
short_open_tag Off
opcache.validate_timestamps 0
opcache.memory_consumption 256
opcache.max_accelerated_files 20000
realpath_cache_size 600


We recommend to use PostgreSQL database in version 9.x

As we use Doctrine, it should be possible to run Open Loyalty on any SQL compliant database, however it may require additional development from your side.


We designed our software with scalability and performance in mind. That’s why we separated storage on write and read. To read data we use Elasticsearch that contains projections of data stored in the write database optimized for reading and views that loyalty program needs.

We recommend to use Elasticsearch in version 2.x